Fall Season • Now on Sale

Fisher Center, Bard SummerScape

Lucinda Childs’s Dance

July 9, 2009

Add to Calendar2009-07-09 8:00 pm2009-07-09 8:00 pmESTLucinda Childs’s Dance
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Choreography by Lucinda Childs
Film by Sol LeWitt
Music by Philip Glass

Tickets $25, 40, 55

A pioneer of the postmodern dance movement, Lucinda Childs is best known today for her collaborations with visual artists, composers, directors, and designers such as John Adams, Frank Gehry, Philip Glass, Sol LeWitt, Peter Sellars, and Robert Wilson. Dance, created in 1979, the year Childs was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in support of her contributions to the field of dance, comprises three dances performed together without intermission. Philip Glass’s music for Dance is the soundtrack of Sol LeWitt’s black-and-white film, which is projected in front of the stage. “Together,” wrote Jennifer Dunning in the New York Times, “the elements of live theater and film create the kind of instantaneous layering of time that is usually the magical province of film alone.”

Round-trip transportation by coach from Columbus Circle in NYC to the Fisher Center will be provided for the July 10 performance of Dance. Reservations are required. Call the Box Office for more information.


The Fisher Center commissioned the reconstruction of this piece with additional support from The Yard, a colony for performing artists on Martha’s Vineyard.

Dance was made possible by the National Endowment for the Arts American Masterpieces: Dance initiative, administered by the New England Foundation for the Arts. Additional support for Dance has been provided by the Jerome Robbins Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts.