Music Program

Bats, Balls, and Badinage: a Night at the Opera

Bard Opera Workshop Annual Production

February 9, 2013

Add to Calendar2013-02-09 8:00 pm2013-02-09 8:00 pmESTBats, Balls, and Badinage: a Night at the Opera
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Tickets: Free, reservation required via the Box Office

Producers Rufus Müller, Ilka LoMonaco, and Teresa Buchholz present their annual evening of operatic highlights by Monteverdi, Purcell, Rameau, Handel, Mozart, Beethoven, Weber, Giordano, Puccini, Arrieta, Boito, Tchaikovsky, Dvořák, Cilea, and Johann Strauss.

This year we are joined by some of our sensational alumni, and surprise guests in the Die Fledermaus ball finale. Not to be missed!