Explore the 2025 Season

Live Arts Bard

All of a Sudden

By Jack Ferver

April 17, 2013

Add to Calendar2013-04-17 6:30 pm2013-04-17 6:30 pmESTAll of a Sudden
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Tickets: Free, reservations required

Collaboration with Joshua Lubin-Levy
Set by Marc Swanson
Music by Roarke Menzies
Costumes by Reid Bartelme

All of a Sudden is a new collaboration between choreographer Jack Ferver and writer/performer Joshua Lubin-Levy. This work-in-progress performance is based on the film version of Tennessee Williams’s Suddenly Last Summer, about a young girl driven insane after witnessing her cousin’s murder and the doctor who attempts to help her. Set against the film’s backdrop, the performance explores the intersection of caring, loving, and violent dyads (such as therapist/patient and artist/dramaturge), exploding the moment when we are so overwhelmed we must ask for help—where reality becomes so heavy we bring in others (real or imaginary) to help shoulder the burden.