The Orchestra Now

Cai Conducts Rachmaninoff

Conducted by Jindong Cai

November 19, 2016

Add to Calendar2016-11-19 8:00 pm2016-11-19 8:00 pmESTCai Conducts Rachmaninoff
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Guohui Ye, Drinking Wine by the Stream's Choice
Xiaogang Ye, Scent of the Green Mango
Sergei Rachmaninoff, Symphonic Dances

Conductor Jindong Cai’s first engagement with The Orchestra Now features works that consider the cultures of Russia and China. The Orchestra Now plays Xiaogang Ye’s Scent of the Green Mango inspired by Frédéric Chopin’s piano music. Sergei Rachmaninoff quotes several of his own pieces throughout Symphonic Dances, a vibrant and rich work.