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Bard SummerScape

Justin Vivian Bond Is Mx America

July 6, 2013

Add to Calendar2013-07-06 8:30 pm2013-07-06 8:30 pmESTJustin Vivian Bond Is Mx America
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Tickets: $20 (standing room), $25 (booth), $30 (outer ring table), $35 (inner ring table)
(18+ unless accompanied by an adult)

“Justin Vivian Bond is a transatlantic cabaret messiah”—Time Out London

Tony-nominated cabaret star Justin Vivian Bond returns to the Spiegeltent to offer a unique take on the American experience through the lens of a Miss America pageant. As the singular finalist in a highly unusual contest, Mx Bond expects to be judged in such categories as presentation, economic status, mental health, family values, and talent all while creating an elegantly formidable evening of beauty and delight.

Click here to visit Justin Vivian Bond’s website.