Fisher Center
American Symphony Orchestra October Concerts
October 16, 2009
Fisher Center
October 16, 2009
Conducted by Leon Botstein, music director
$20, 30, 35
October 16: 6:45 pm Preconcert talk by Harold Farberman and Peter Laki
8:00 pm Concert
October 17: 6:45 pm Preconcert talk by Harold Farberman, Shulamit Ran, and Peter Laki
8:00 pm Concert
The American Symphony Orchestra’s 2009–10 season at the Fisher Center is the first of a two-year journey through some of the most beautiful symphonic music ever written: between October 2009 and April 2010, the orchestra will perform the first five of Beethoven’s symphonies in the acoustically exquisite Sosnoff Theater (the other four will be performed in 2010–11). Few people have had the experience of hearing all of Beethoven’s symphonies performed live, let alone hearing them in relatively quick succession. It took Johannes Brahms, who venerated Beethoven, over 30 years to accomplish this feat.
The October concerts’ program, in order:
Harold Farberman
Concerto for Timpani and Orchestra
Jonathan Haas, timpani
Ludwig van Beethoven
Symphony No. 1 in C Major, Op. 21
(U.S. premiere)
Shulamit Ran
The Show Goes On,
Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra
Laura Flax, clarinet
Ludwig van Beethoven
Symphony No. 2 in D Major, Op. 26