Bard SummerScape
Come and Get It and The Plow that Broke the Plains
July 14, 2005
Bard SummerScape
July 14, 2005
Come and Get It
1936, directed by William Wyler and Howard Hawks
An adaptation of Edna Ferber’s novel set in the 1880s about a lumberjack who leaves his true love, a saloon singer, to marry the boss’s daughter. Years later, as a lumber magnate, he returns to discover his true love is dead, but becomes a rival with his son for the affections of her haunting look-alike daughter. In a dual role, the legendary Frances Farmer gives her greatest Hollywood performance.
99 minutes, black and white
The Plow that Broke the Plains
1936, directed by Pare Lorentz
Film score by Virgil Thomson
With powerful imagery, a moving score, and poetic narration, this pioneering New Deal– commissioned documentary explores the natural bounty of the American Great Plains and the land-use abuses that led to the ravages of the “Dust Bowl.” The passionately researched score by Kansas native Thomson is played by the New York Philharmonic.
25 minutes, black and white
All Film Tickets: $7