On Sale Now: SummerScape 2025

The Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts

K.I. from “Crime”

August 8, 2003

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The Moscow New Generation Theatre presents the American premiere of
K.I. from “Crime”
Adapted by Daniil Gink from Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Ginkas’s K.I. from “Crime” is a stunning tour de force featuring the Russian film star Oksana Mysina as the fallen aristocrat Katerina Ivanovna, the widow of Raskolnikov’s drinking companion Marmeladov. Mysina was nominated for Russia’s Golden Mask Award for her performance.
Directed and designed by Kama Ginkas
(in Russian, with synopsis in English)

SummerScape is proud to introduce the great Russian directors Kama Ginkas and Henrietta Yanovskaya to an American audience. For 20 years Ginkas and Yanovskaya have directed repertoire ranging from the classics of Ostrovsky and Chekhov to adaptations of Offenbach and Agatha Christie before sold-out audiences in Moscow, Europe, and Asia.

Tickets $30