The Orchestra Now
Mendelssohn & Bernstein
April 10, 2021
The Orchestra Now
April 10, 2021
TŌN music director Leon Botstein leads the orchestra in Mendelssohn’s “Scottish” Symphony and Bernstein’s Serenade (after Plato’s Symposium), featuring violin soloist Zongheng Zhang, a winner of the 2020 Bard Conservatory Concerto Competition. Also on the program is the 2008 work Ácana from Cuban-born composer Tania León, and Stravinsky’s Concerto for Piano and Wind Instruments, performed with pianist Blair McMillen.
Leon Botstein conductor
Zongheng Zhang ’21 violin
Blair McMillen piano
Tania León Ácana
Bernstein Serenade (after Plato's Symposium)
Stravinsky Concerto for Piano and Wind Instruments
Mendelssohn Symphony No. 3, Scottish
Estimated run time: 2 hours