Rickie Lee Jones
June 22, 2007
June 22, 2007
Friday, June 22nd at 8:00 pm
N.I.T.E. Group presents:
An Evening with 2-time Grammy winner Rickie Lee Jones.
Touring behind her satisfying new album, The Sermon on Exposition Boulevard
“Spoken-poetry and Waits-y blues moments are just a small part of a wide variety that includes acoustic folk and raw rock, recalling Patti Smith and the Velvet Underground. (The Sermon on Exposition Blvd. is) mature, inspired, confident.”
— Sylvie Simmons; San Francisco Chronicle
“Mature, inspired, confident.”
“Strangely accessible and highly addictive, it’s her best work in three decades.”
–UNCUT (4 stars)
Produced by Rob Schnapf, Lee Catelon and Peter Atanasoff
Tour updates and much more at rickieleejones.com
Tickets are $45, $35, $30
All ages are welcome!