Bard SummerScape
The Heiress and Redes (Fishermen’s Nets)/The Wave
July 31, 2005
Bard SummerScape
July 31, 2005
The Heiress
1949, directed by William Wyler
Film score by Aaron Copland
A wealthy but plain and insecure young woman, underestimated by her tyrant father, is swept off her feet by a dashing scoundrel who is fortune-seeking though vulnerable. Based on the Henry James novel Washington Square, this cinema classic won four Academy Awards, including for Copland’s score. The film stars Olivia de Havilland, Montgomery Clift, and Ralph Richardson.
115 minutes, black and white
Redes (Fishermen’s Nets)/The Wave
1936, directed by Emilio Gómez Muriel and Fred Zinnemann
Cinematography by Paul Strand
Everyday heroism in the life of Mexican fishermen is the subject of this drama written and directed by one of Mexico’s most respected and prolific 20th-century filmmakers. Strand’s camera offers portraits of the men, clouds, and sea with an almost surreal beauty. With a powerful score by Silvestre Revueltás, a friend of Aaron Copland.
65 minutes, black and white
All Film Tickets: $7