Bard SummerScape
The Inspector General
July 8–11, 2004
Bard SummerScape
July 8–11, 2004
Four Performances:
Thursday, July 8, 8:00 pm
Friday, July 9, 8:00 pm
Saturday, July 10, 6:00 pm
Sunday, July 11, 2:00 pm
The Alexandrinsky Theatre presents the American premiere of a play in two acts by Nikolai Gogol (in Russian with English surtitles).
Directed by Valery Fokin
Original score by Leonid Desyatnikov
Starring Alexei Devotchenko
“The greatest play written in Russian.”—Vladimir
Nearly every important director in Russia has staged this classic satire of provincial officials and petite-bourgeois toadies since Gogol wrote it in 1835. Valery Fokin, the new artistic director of St. Petersburg’s grand Alexandrinsky Theatre, where Meyerhold’s famous 1926 production played, brings an artistically compelling, amusing, sometimes cruel, and tremendously entertaining production to Bard SummerScape for its American premiere. Alexei Devotchenko stars as the rake who is mistaken for the official come to inspect and bedevil a provincial town. Live music by Leonid Desyatnikov and his chorus, Remake.
Tickets: $55, $40, $25
All seats reserved
Image ©Viktor Sentsov